

myQR is the industry’s first instant self-service digital payment platform which enables you to create your own QR code in only 60 seconds!

myQR offers a simple, easy, and innovative way to ensure cashless transactions ; making it easy for merchants to accept payments instantly to any bank account or mobile money wallet.

myQR is ideal for business owners, churches, school groups, freelancers, and more. The platform is packed with several unique features:

  • It is self-service - you can get myQR setup yourself
  • It is fast to setup – you can create your unique QR in 60 seconds - yes, in 60 seconds!
  • It is instant - you receive all payments instantly
  • It is free for merchants

Receive payments from over 3,000,000 users across any of the following apps – expressPay, Ecobank, GT Bank, Standard Chartered, and Zenith Bank.
Create your unique QR in 60 seconds and display at your premises or share across social media.

Get customers to simply scan your unique QR and receive instant payments to your bank or mobile money account of your choice. Get started now.

myQR… myMoney!